Forgivable infidelity?


New Member
Do you think cheating on your spouse is always unforgivable and leads to divorce? Is there such thing as "forgivable infidelity"? In what circumstances would you forgive your cheating spouse?


New Member
Well, there is no such thing as "forgivable infidelity". If you are cheating on your spouse, you are doing that. Cheating is cheating. No excuse will make cheating not cheating.


New Member
I agree, cheating is cheating. Just because you are not happy with your relationship or marriage doesn't mean you have freedom to find someone else. If you want to make a new relationship, end the current one first.


New Member
I know several relationships that have bounced back from infidelity. It took a lot of hard work and time, but they eventually had a stronger marriage than before the infidelity. In an ideal world you would think everyone would behave in a morally upstanding way and do the right thing, but sadly that is not the marriage or in life. I think it goes back to the golden rule: treat others the way you would want to be treated.


New Member
Some people can forgive it, some can't, I am the latter. If I can manage to stay faithful with all the temptations around me, than I expect nothing less of my partner. It's not something that just happens.


New Member
I assume infidelity might be forgivable in certain situations (like a one night stand under the influence of alcohol, drugs or something like that), but it would take a lot of effort to rebuild the trust within the relationship. It is possible though, and I know couples who have managed to found a way to stay together.


New Member
I don't think cheating can ever really be gotten over. I suspect people who claim it made their relationship stronger may have not been that great together before it happened. So for them it is a kind of bonus new start.


New Member
I forgave my first wife once. After the second time I packed and left. Maybe I shouldn't have forgiven her the first time but at least I'll never wonder if I did the wrong thing.


New Member
Marriage is meant to be an exclusive relationship and is the most intimate of relationships. I think "cheating" automatically nullifies that exclusivity and intimacy that makes a marriage a marriage.


New Member
That's a good point Rob, and so true. I forgave many things and will forgive many more, but I will not forgive cheating.... unless the cheater had a good reason for it.


New Member
I think the only thing that comes even remotely close to this is a show I watched where a freak accident happened and a wife was told her husband was dead for years, he really was not. That is about the only thing, but still she should have asked for proof. To me cheating is cheating, sorry.