Friends who are doctors

Dad Brad

New Member
I just came back from taking an elderly patient to his new doctor. Amazingly, the doctor taking over the practice is a high school classmate of mine. We used to be great friends. I'm glad he has come back here to practice, but it's weird seeing an old buddy with MD after his name. I suppose he thinks it's strange that I turned preacher. Still, I could have gone after the MD, too. He still hasn't started a family, and here I am with mine.


New Member
I don't have any high school friends that turned into doctors. How cool is that! It's a great profession and one I bet he will love. I think it might be odd seeing him as a doctor though.


New Member
I don't know any classmates of mine who are doctors. If there are any, it would be odd to see them as doctors though. I know who they were in school days.


New Member
Regarding buddies from the old days, I have a lot of friends now at various positions of "power" so to say and I'm not ashamed to say that I use this perks to be the first in line for their services. I know I'm shameless! :)


New Member
I have a friend who became a heart surgeon who treats my dad as his patient. We were in cub scouts together and my dad was the scout master. It's always a little surreal when we all see each other.


New Member
I went to school with a boy who wet his britches in the third grade. He wet the seat at his desk, and we all laughed and laughed. Every time I see him, and he's well into middle age, this is what I think of. He has a "power" position, Shadow, so it's especially funny.