General Petraeus scandal


New Member
Has anyone else been following the General David Petraeus scandal in the news? Do you think that it is really all about his alleged affair or is it just a way to keep attention off of other matters?


New Member
I don't care that the guy had an affair, except for the possible security breaches and blackmail potential due to his position. I agree that it's a handy distraction though.


New Member
Do you think it was all about Bill Clinton's affair, or do you think it was just a way to keep attention off other matters? If somebody wants to give somebody a black eye, they will do it.


New Member
I haven't been following the scandal because I stopped watching the news years ago. However, I've heard bits and pieces about the affair and I don't really know if it's "just" about the affair or not. It wouldn't surprise me to find out that it was really a cover-up of something more serious.


New Member
I haven't followed the story, but it does have a way of following you. I would think, however, that the head of the CIA would be able to keep from getting caught having an affair. I mean, come on, I know guys who have kept their affairs secret for years.