Getting enough sleep


New Member
Getting enough sleep can be luxurious for some people including me. I work a 9/5 job and spend my spare time to make extra income working online. Do you get enough sleep?


New Member
I wish I could say I've been getting enough sleep but there's just not enough time for that, sadly. I'm trying to work on it but it's hard when so much is going on.


New Member
I often find myself waking up at the time I should be thinking about sleeping. My wife teases me it is a sign of aging, but I've always been this way. :) I would say I probably get around 80% of the sleep I need.


New Member
I sometimes wonder if I will ever have the luxury of enough sleep again! Maybe when my kids hit that teenage phase? Even if I go to bed early I often lie awake thinking about nothing in particular.


New Member
I get plenty of sleep. I am the stay at home parent, and so things are more low key than they are for my wife who is the full time career person in the family.


New Member
I am similar to you, I also work some online jobs besides my main job. Sleeping seems to be a waste of time LOL. The best part is that I have never had any problem with insomnia.


New Member
People said years ago that eight hours was fine, now some people with the sleep studies and all that are saying six hours. Which is it? Does it still depend on age and gender?


New Member
Lately I have gotten about six hours a night but even with a newly exercise routine for the past 2 1/2 months I still wake up every few hours. Its a totally pain to deal with but I am not sure what else to do.


Staff member
Our son has to eat every 2-3 hours right now. The wife cannot move much from the c-section, and I'm sleeping on the worse couch so I can be near them. So not really. But I would not trade it for anything.


New Member
Aww, Jason hopefully you and your wife will be able to get some rest as the baby gets older and your wife recovers. I used to not get enough sleep but after about 7 years of that I got REALLY sick. Now I make sure not to do it for to many days in a row.


New Member
Now that the kids are a bit older and on regular schedules, I can say I get more sleep. My wife handles the mornings, so I can sleep a bit longer and take my time getting ready for work. Then I handle things on the weekend so she can catch up a bit.