Giving "the eye"


New Member
I don't do this much now, as my kids have gotten older and normally don't do things that are too terribly rude or make me mad, but when they were little I used it. Does anyone else give their kids "the eye" as a warning to them to stop doing whatever they shouldn't be doing? Does it work with your little ones?


New Member
All the time. If the eye doesn't work then I'll stand up. If that doesn't work I'll take one step. That's usually when they start to run which ends whatever I was trying to get them to stop doing in the first place.


New Member
My daughter is far too young to even know or understand what "the eye" even means.

But of course I know I'll have to do that sometimes. It's part of the disciplinary process.


New Member
It's important to have your kids understand and learn when something is 'implied' to be so. Not everything must be expressed with words.

Giving the eye can remind them not to repeat a mistake again, because it is implied that it's wrong. You don't have to say it to drill something into them.

But yes, the usage decrease as your child grows older. More talk is needed when kids are entering their teens, because their actions are based on their thoughts, and it is important to understand how their thoughts are developing rather than just scolding them and telling that it's wrong.

Mr. Rogers

New Member
All the time. If the eye doesn't work then I'll stand up. If that doesn't work I'll take one step. That's usually when they start to run which ends whatever I was trying to get them to stop doing in the first place.
You sound just like me! HAHA!


New Member
Yes, as soon as they were old enough to understand what 'the eye' meant. Sometimes, kids do 'terrible' stuff just to get our attention and giving them 'the eye' would suffice for them. It would help, though, if you could have a chat with your kids to find out the reason for their rowdy behavior and then explain to them why it irritated you.


New Member
Of course, every once in a while, you'll get in one of those situations where it seems like the eye won't work. Then you have to make like you're doing a motion that's threatening to them and they'll get the message.


New Member
When I give the eye, they know they better and settle down instantly. I don't need a threatening motion; my evil eye will destroy you and burn your very soul.


New Member
It works all the time. When I stare at them, they knew instantly that what they are doing is wrong or already beyond what is normal. It better to do it especially if there are many people around them. I would prefer to do this instead of yelling them in front of other people which many parents are doing it. I think it not only that it will be a shameful experience for the kids but will diminish their sense of pride in the long run.


New Member
All the time. If the eye doesn't work then I'll stand up. If that doesn't work I'll take one step. That's usually when they start to run which ends whatever I was trying to get them to stop doing in the first place.
This is exactly how things work at my house too. I just wish my wife could find something that worked as effectively for her. We have a very headstrong three year old and her behavior is becoming a problem.


New Member
Giving the "eye" also works for me. Raising five kids with clashing personalities is no walk in the park. But they know that I mean business when I give them the "eye." Even my mere glance turns my children into meek lambs.


New Member
I give my daughter the eye and I am told it is rather intimidating. My daughter isn't the only one that has ever gotten it either. If she gets the eye she knows that she better straighten up real quick.