

New Member
In my opinion, grilled food tastes way better than any other cooking method available in the average household. As such, we grill every weekend and this weekend will be no exception. We're thinking hot dogs and hamburgers, which are always a winner in our house, along with chicken and maybe even steak. My wife also wants to try a couple of new recipes she found, involving grilled bananas and grilled sweet potatoes.

What do you like to grill?


New Member
Veggies! Sure I love a big fat thick steak but I also love mushrooms, peppers, onions and squash on the grill. I can't wait for summer when all my veggies will be ready in the garden.


Staff member
Fire makes anything taste better. Not to mention it does not heat up the house. But I just love cooking over an open flame, or even smoking the food.


New Member
I like to grill steak, chicken and ribs. I usually do steaks for Memorial day, ribs on the 4th of July and then chicken as my stand-by for the times in between. I cook a huge package of chicken and it we stretch it out for several meals.


New Member
We ended up cooking a couple of steaks and a pack of hot dogs to get us through the weekend. Instead of grilling at home like we'd originally planned, we went over to my mom's house and grilled on her little "mini-grill", as I like to call it. It was nice spending some time with her, but her tiny grill couldn't hold enough charcoal to keep enough heat to cook more than 2 steaks and 8 hot dogs, so we had to forgo my wife's banana and sweet potatoes recipes.


New Member
I like to grill just about anything. ;) Usually it's steak or chicken, but grilled vegetables are good too. Sometimes I make steak and vegetable kabobs, then put the food into a pita pocket with some sour cream. It's really good.


New Member
We grill almost every weekend too! We didn't this weekend because it was just too dang hot, and the whole household is still in an uproar about the whole unemployment thing. We have got bone-in chicken breasts thawing in the sink alongside some pork chops right now. If it doesn't storm they will be making their way to the grill shortly.


New Member
I will grill just about anything if I can get my hands on it. This weekend we are really hoping for better weather so we can head out and enjoy some of the nice fresh air. It has been damp or humid, or both lately. I just need a little sun shine this weekend and good cooking! :)