Guitar players


New Member
Any other guitar players here? I don't get to play nearly as much as I want to or used too, but I still love to play. As young as my kids are they are already showing interest in music! :) I can't wait to teach them to play too!


New Member
I have played guitar since I was about 13, and I love it. I don't get to play as much as I want to, but I still play a few times a week.


New Member
I played for a little while when I was a teen but that is about it. I guess it never really stuck with me but I do enjoy singing, maybe that counts for something.


New Member
That's awesome Thompson and Gilbo. I probably would have gotten into a lot more trouble than I did as a teen if I hadn't wanted to play so badly and practiced so much.


New Member
I know the basics, I know which is A-string and which is E-string, and I can play some chords, but that's all. I would love to take a classic guitar course though.


New Member
I've always wanted to learn to play the guitar, but I never did take lessons. I'd probably fumble all the strings with my beefy fingers. My fingers are the same reason I didn't take piano, which my mother wanted me to learn.


New Member
We have several guitar players in our family. Personally, I never went anywhere with it. I can play one song and that's it, lol. My kids are both good guitar players, though.


New Member
I will mess around with it once in a while but I never practice enough to do it for real. I can play a few things but that is about it, and I play on a really old acoustic so its not the best in the world either.