Have you filed yet?


New Member
Have you filed your taxes for 2011 yet? My wife had ours done before I even got home the day we received our w2. I love e-filing and direct depositing the refund. They make things so much faster now.


New Member
My wife usually wait until the last minute to do ours. We don't get anything back because mine goes to the ex and my wife is an IC so she has to pay. Since we never see any money, and usually have to pay, she's never in a rush to get it done.


New Member
No, we haven't done ours yet. Sometimes it takes awhile for all of the proper forms to come in, and even when they do, it's one of those tasks that's easy to put off until the last moment.


New Member
They sure do make things faster these days. We have already filed too, but we don't have the money back yet. I paper filed though - there is some problem with birth dates and the Social Security office.


New Member
We filed a while back and already got a return but it was not what we expected at all. We ended up with a past due medical bill we never knew about and they dinged us for it.


Staff member
I think I have a few papers still out. But I'm scheduled for later this month. Sadly a simple tax return has not been possible for me in a few years.


New Member
We filed and were paid last week. It was a nice chunk, so we put it towards the car. We should have that paid off in a few months now! :)


New Member
We haven't done ours yet either. I am always in charge of doing our taxes, along with quite a few friends as well. Let's just say...I can get really busy during tax season.