healthy debates


New Member
Most of the time when I am online I love reading about any good debates and it seems many social websites are prone to this but sometimes things get out of control. Yesterday I was reading as two people went at it debating the issues when it comes to a couple having too many children and being unable to take care of them.

The one poor guy lost his entire argument when he started attacked the other person (who was a lady) and decided that name calling would help. What happened to having a healthy debate, did we all just sink back into elementary school games?


New Member
That is one of the main reasons why I don't debate with people online. People are ignorant and I have seen this happen many times. There is no reason for name calling. I am sure it made the guy look like a total idiot.


New Member
I shun away from online debates. You don't know where your emotions will take you, what kind of things you will say. Even if it's just online, your opinions are very real and they reflect on what kind of person you are. If ever you truly can't help but share your thoughts, try putting yourself in the other people's shoes and see if your words would not offend them (or you) in any way.