Helping step mothers


New Member
Is your wife a step mother? We know how difficult it can be some days to be a step dad so how do you help your wife cope with your kids from the previous marriage? We've had some snafus with my son and my wife, but for the most part he knows better than to give her a hard time. That said, I think he does resent her to an extent. And I'm sure she knows it. Blended families have so many dynamics it's hard to keep it all straight from day to day.


New Member
I'm sure it's hard on anyone who is a step parent - mother or father. And the kids are bound to be resentful, especially if this is a new situation that happened when they are a little older. I think the most you can do is continue to let your son know that you expect him to be respectful. And she has to give him a little room to breathe too so he can adjust without feeling pressured.


New Member
I have a good friend that is a step-mom and she has a very hard time with it. The dad isn't much help either. She is actually thinking about leaving him and the family. They don't have any kids between the 2 of them.