Herman Cain re-evaluating campaign


New Member
I just saw on CNN where Herman Cain is "re-evaluating" his campaign. I don't expect him to be in the race much longer. This news comes after a woman he allegedly had an affair with for 14 years spoke out. That is an awful lot of "alleged" philandering for a Presidential candidate.


New Member
There are a lot of women coming out and making statements about Herman Cain and I believe them. These stories don't come from nothing, especially when you have multiple people with them. I don't want somebody in office who thinks it's okay to sexually harass others.


New Member
I also think if there are this many women coming forward then something must have happened. The latest woman is claiming a 14 year relationship and seems to be able to prove it.


New Member
From what I read, a lot of his problems are financial. With all this hoopla about other women people stopped donating money and their support.


New Member
From what I read, a lot of his problems are financial. With all this hoopla about other women people stopped donating money and their support.
Wow, I did not know that so many people were withdrawing money. I am glad that people are aware though, and withdrawing money sends the message that the American people will not tolerate harassment of women.


New Member
I saw this morning where he was "downplaying" the re-evaluation of his campaign, but I think his run is just about over. I expect to hear his withdrawal speech within the next couple of weeks.


New Member
Yeah, I think that there are a LOT of people re-evaluating the Herman Cain campaign these days. Cheese pizza if you ask me. Emphasis on cheesy.


New Member
Well, it didn't even take a week for him to withdraw. The next news out of the Herman Cain campaign will be that his wife is leaving him and taking him for all he is worth. :)


New Member
He's Mr. 9-9-9, right? Did he even last 9 weeks before about 9 women came out with harassment allegations which he changed his story on at least 9 times???


New Member
It is no where near November yet and I am sure we will have tons of more people coming out of "the wood work', its just the way it goes. Tons of things to get us confused about who did what, when and where.


New Member
He's Mr. 9-9-9, right? Did he even last 9 weeks before about 9 women came out with harassment allegations which he changed his story on at least 9 times???
Oh, that was awesome. I might have to pass that one along. I think we are looking at a match up of Gingrich and Obama suprisingly enough. Neither of which would be my choice. Too bad Ron Paul doesn't stand a chance to get on the ticket as anything but a Liberatarian.