Hiring outside tutors


New Member
How much success have others had with hiring tutors to help with math, English and other subjects? We didn't really have to go this route with any of our children, but my brother has been asking around. I didn't really know where to suggest or even what type of help to suggest.


New Member
Have they asked the school for a list of tutors? A lot of times high school students will tutor kids in lower grades. They are a lot cheaper and they pretty much know the topics because they already took the class.


New Member
Like Chenne said, most of the time the school will have a list of tutors in the area. There are also programs like Sylvan Learning Centers, but those are probably going to be more costly.


New Member
My kids' school offers tutorial lessons for a specific monthly fee. I've heard a lot of other schools are also doing the same. I had three of my kids try it out for a few months but made them stop, since I couldn't afford the expenses anymore. Right now, my wife's back to tutoring them on her own.


New Member
I remember my parents hiring a math tutor for me when I was a kid. It did not help. I didn't want to learn math, that was the problem. Later when I decided that it was a very interesting science I was one of the best in math class.


New Member
As long as you can research the person and be able to check their references along with a few extra's that you might want to ask for you should be okay. I know some people never took the time to vet a tutor for their kids and the grades reflected exactly that.


New Member
I agree with the others that said check with the school. There are usually at least a few older students who tutor for extra money. I even know some teachers who do it on the side for quick cash.


New Member
I never thought about teachers tutoring. My best friend is a Special Education teacher but he also tutors regular class students. The school pays him, not the students family.


New Member
Thanks for all the suggestions. I've found a couple of high school students to recommend. I think young people respond well to older students. We old guys are missing the cool factor, evidently. There are a couple of teachers who tutor, too. At least he's got some options now.


New Member
My youngest struggled a bit with math. I tried tutoring him myself, but I guess I'm not a good teacher because it wasn't helping. Then I found out about khanacademy.org, he hasn't gotten a grade lower than A- since.


New Member
My daughter is in college now, and the university offers FREE tutors for certain subjects. This past semester she got a tutor for one of her math classes. The tutors are other students who have previously taken the course, and understand the material. From what she said, her experience was a positive one.