Hole again! More money


New Member
Seriously we got out our Intex pool yesterday to put it up (24 foot with metal legs) and something had eaten a hole in it. We dealt with this last year but we were able to patch it. This year the hole is much bigger. Looks like we are out $429 plus tax - just checked to see what the cost will be.

The cost for a new liner and parts is $351 (with shipping) the cost for a new pool (better as it is 3 years newer) is $429 plus tax. Grrr - not something I was planning on spending right now.


New Member
Well, I can relate with you. I would hate it if I had to spend my money on something like this, especially while we are in a situation where money is getting harder to earn.


Staff member
Ouch. That really stinks. My money hole is not pool related, but medical related. Hopefully you can get your pool replaced soon though. I know it is hot here.


New Member
How are you storing it? I have seen a few people take extreme care with them, almost like a new born baby and they can last but they never seem to last forever. I think the most was about four years if I am not mistaken.


New Member
We are storing it in a shed on top of a shelf. I will be buying a big tote this year - the thing is huge when it's take down. I bought the new pool over the week. We are going to put it up Sunday. It was 94 today!