Home schooling


New Member
I'm seriously considering home schooling my oldest of three daughters---she's the only one in school. Several parents in our complex do it. Any experience with it?


New Member
I don't have personal experience with home schooling, but I have friends who home school their kids. There are some very good programs to use and socialization is not a problem. In fact, I've read that home schooled kids generally do very well in college and are well socialized.


New Member
I keep hearing that "socialization" is not much of an issue with home schooled kids, which is surpising and not what you would expect. I'm liking the idea more and more.


Staff member
My wife was home schooled and dead set against it. We do help with "school" work that matches what she is doing though. The school is helping her learn to write her name, so at home we are helping with that, along with numbers.


New Member
I have known a few people who tried it out for a while and it seems to me that it can work alright. However, when a child is at home they may not be as motivated to do their work because they don't leave home and go to a different environment. It would help you keep better tabs on their progress for sure :)