Home Visit?


New Member
I have never heard of a teacher coming to your home before. My son just started school and the teacher is already asking to come into my home for a 'home visit'. Why on earth would a teacher need to come to your home?


New Member
A home visit? For what? Is she suggesting tutoring? I've heard of teachers going to students' homes for tutoring, but I can't imagine what else she would want to come over for.


New Member
I asked my sister who is a teacher about this. She said they have a state run preschool program where the teachers have to go to the homes for a couple visits for a little one on one time with the parents. She said it was because most parents of kids in the program never graduated high school so they are uncomfortable in the school setting. Is your child in a preschool program?


New Member
I heard something about this on the news this morning. They were interviewing someone from a charter school system in Atlanta and he talked about the home visits. Does your child go to a charter school? Regardless, I think these home visits should be optional. I certainly hope they don't try to force themselves into your home.


New Member
I'd like to know if you have a choice in this matter. What if you refuse to allow the teacher to come to your house? On the one hand, I can understand where seeing a student's home life might help the teacher to better understand the child and therefore teach him more effectively. But on the other hand, I feel like this is an invasion of privacy if you have no choice.


New Member
I would not be ok with a teacher waltzing into my home. I also wonder if you are given a choice about this? Is it a private school?


New Member
This is a public elementary school. He is in a preschool program that is for 'high risk' children. Because his mom didn't graduate from highschool and we are divorced he qualified for this program (he is 4). We thought it was best to get him in school, but we make to much for him to go to head start and I wasn't going to shell out 700-1700 for a private preschool! The home visit is so that the teacher can see how the child reacts at home with the parent and the teacher and parent can discuss what the program is like and any concerns the parent may have about the child.

No, it is not mandatory to meet at your house. The teacher can meet you somewhere else like a restaurant if you prefer them not to come to your house. The one on one time is to help your child, they are not ridiculing your housing situation.

The visit went well. She was impressed with his knowledge of language and it was a real laid back situation. I think this will be good for my son this year!