How Are You Keeping The Kids Entertained?


New Member
I just wondered how everyone is keeping their kids entertained now that school is out?? My brother has been griping about his kids wanting to go, go, go on the weekends but they stay at home all week. I think his poor wife is ready to pull her hair out. Any ideas?


New Member
What about finding out what your community center has? Or even the YMCA. There might be classes there for the summer on say swimming or arts or dancing even. Have them learn something or send them to a childrens' camp. :)


New Member
We have a pool wife insisted on it, as this is my first summer as the stay at home dad. I thought it was a waste of money until school let out and then I thanked her. What a godsend it has been. We go every day from 1-4 or so and it really has helped so much. We also go to the library and any free local events we can find.