How do you deal with the controversy?


New Member
I'm sure our stay at home dads have to deal with some level of jibing from others. You're basically Mr. do you deal with the criticism and needling? I think it's a great thing for a guy to stay home with his kids, but not everybody is so evolved just yet.


New Member
Yes, they have to deal with the jibing but at the end of the day, those criticisms yield nothing. I think it is best to brush them off and live your life.

Papa Bear

New Member
You have to live through it. Give them time to adjust and accept your situation. It will all stop in due time. Relax and laugh with them.


New Member
My wife and I always said that one of us would stay at home with our kids neither of us had kids to let a daycare raise them while we went off to work. If someone has something to say about it I usually shoot back a "well at least I get to see my kids grow up".