How do you deal with the lack of sleep?


New Member
I don't drink coffe, something I'm seriously starting to reconsider since my alertness and efficiency have seen a huge dip. What are your methods of dealing with the lack of sleep that accompanies a new born?

Papa Bear

New Member
Get into a routine so that you and your wife can alternate on attending to the baby at night. When you get used to having only 3 or 4 hours of sleep, it becomes easier.


Staff member
Coffee, tea and mountain dew. Sometimes I will take a spoonful of honey.


New Member
I've used all those wonderful things that are so bad for our bodies too. I use to drink a lot of Cuban coffee. It's a small shot that is very powerful and will wake you up right away. I've been trying to get my diet to include more healthy things so I don't have to depend on artificial things that are bad for the body so much.


New Member
In my own experience, napping while the baby is napping and alternating with your wife would be the best suggestion. Best of luck!