How involved are you?


New Member
Let's face it, parents these days are busier than those who lived decades ago. So when it comes to raising your kids, how do you handle it? Do you think you know your kids well? How involved are you with their life?


New Member
It was quite a while ago when my children were still kids but I will try to give a good account. I had a rather stressful job back then and I traveled a lot. My involvement would usually be during week-ends. But, I make it a point to give it my all during those precious few times. I would help in the bathing, even with the baby. I'll go over school work with each of one. And spend some time playing either video or board games. Meal times were the best times; it was full of happy banter around. I will drive them to school when my work schedule allowed it and try my best to attend all the school events. I may have missed a few birthdays, tho, when my work took me out of the country (which was often). Of course, the wife did an excellent job of running the family.


New Member
I am very involved! I love being a hands on type of dad. I talk to the kids all the time. I take them and their friends to do fun things. I love being a dad and I want to do as much as I can with them before they go off to college.


New Member
I attempt to be very active but sometimes balancing home and work and household duties can be overwhelming. I raely get time just to myself but unfortunately the people who lose out are the kids because it typically cuts into their time. I do think it is important to have some time to yourself though. It really makes you a better parent to have a break and relax and reset every now and then


New Member
I tend to work long hours but thankfully it's mostly after their bedtime anyway. I always make sure I get a couple of hours with them before I head off to work and my days off are dedicated to them completely. This generally means I miss out on me time but I'm an adult I can understand that my children are more important.


New Member
I am pretty involved, since I stay at home with them. I do expect them to entertain themselves for part of the day, though, so I can squeeze in a little time for myself while I’m awake.


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I learn how to read people and what to expect. I can finish my wife's sentences and know what she is going to say before she does. She has never beaten me at rock-paper-scissors because I am so in her head. The kids think they are slick but they haven't learned how cerebral I am...yet.


New Member
I work from home, so I spend a lot of time with my son. Part of my goal to transition to working from home is to spend more time with my family. I'm the type who doesn't want to miss anything (even though I have do to working so many hours at home). My goal is for my family to grow and experience life together, in part through our financial freedom and our freedom of mobility. Spending time with my family is my number 1 goal.

Jeremy Green

New Member
I am pretty involved with my kids. I always make sure they do their homeowork and try to get involved with their lives as much as possible.


New Member
I'm currently working from home. My kids can't really hide anything from me when they get home. unless they hire decoys to occupy the house, I'm pretty sure I know what they are up to most of the time.


New Member
We both are involved with our kids. Me personally, I see to it that I don't render overtime every day just to went home early and spend that time with my kids studies. We could afford to have our kids a tutor, but we had concluded that it would be better to make certain sacrifices with our works just be attend to our kids needs. Its very hard to do, but with full commitment, it will be worth it.


New Member
Well, I'm a Hell of a lot more involved than their deadbeat dad is, that's for sure. Seriously, though, I did try to go to most of their school events when they were young. If I was on a buisness trip, that was a different story. But I know they appreciated it when I could be there.

Now that they are older and out of high school, I try to make sure we have some family days where we all go out and do something fun. But they are at an age where they want to be with their friends more. My wife is sad about this because she misses them being young, but I try to tell her that they'll come back home more often when they move out, get married and have kids of their own. Then they'll appreciate all that we both did for them growing up.


New Member
I only work away from home 2 days per week, so I am very lucky in that regard. I get to spend a lot of time with them and I'm very involved. I suppose that is one of the greatest benefits about being able to work part time at home.


New Member
I believe that a what a child learns between the ages of five and eleven will ultimately determine what that child will become as an adult.

Parents who wait to teach their children to stay away from drugs until the child is 16 are asking for nothing but trouble.

If you stay involved from day #1, your child may complain and sometimes rebel, but I believe they will thank you in the end