How old for Wii?


New Member
For those of you who own a Wii, what do you think is a good age for kids to start playing? I like the idea of those interactive dance games, but I'm not sure how old the kids should be before you introduce it.


New Member
For the sports, dance and exercise games, I don't think they can ever be too young. My nephew picked up on how to bowl at the age of two. It's great for their manual dexterity.


Staff member
My daughter loves to play the dance game at her grandmothers house. She is three. She does not really follow along, but just likes making the character move.


New Member
I don't think there is really a set age. I've seen young kids, maybe 3 or 4 trying to play it. They aren't really coordinated enough at that age to play it correctly, but they still find it quite fun.


New Member
I think as long as kids are wearing the arm strap, they can play it as early on in their lives as they want to. I don't see anything wrong with it at all. It's a great workout for them.


New Member
Well the Wii wasn't out when my daughter's were younger. I don't know if there is really a set age for the Wii or not. I would probably say around age 6 or 7 would be appropriate for most games.