I always tell my kids

Kevin C

New Member
Is there something you tend to always tell your children?

I also like to remind them they call it practice for a reason.


New Member
Is there something you tend to always tell your children?

I also like to remind them they call it practice for a reason.
This actually made me laugh out loud when I read it. Now that I'm thinking about it, I've been saying, "You know, when I was a a kid..." quite a bit lately when scolding my kids.


Staff member
I have not really told them anything other then the normal stuff when they are young. No, Stop, wait, do not do that. ;)


New Member
I can't seem to stop telling my kids: "I know what I'm talking about because I'm your dad. You wait until you become one, then you'll know."


New Member
I think the most important thing we as parents should remember is that we are not their buddies but their parents. Words like no, don't, obey something commands are there for a reason.


New Member
My girls always teased me about trying to turn everything into a life lesson. I suppose I did, and I still do. Isn't that what fathers are for? I can handle the ribbing, though. So far, it's worked okay.


New Member
My girls always teased me about trying to turn everything into a life lesson. I suppose I did, and I still do. Isn't that what fathers are for? I can handle the ribbing, though. So far, it's worked okay.
Good one. On the opposite, my wife's sister is yelling at her kids all day long when they are bad but she never tries to explain to them why. And some people ask themselves how their kids turned out to be.