Itchy scalp


New Member
I got itchy scalp lately and it's so annoying. It's not the whole scalp, and just certain parts of my scalp. I don't want to visit my doctor just for itchy scalp. Any home remedies you can recommend?


New Member
Of course you need to see the doctor to find out what's the problem for sure. Anyway, you may have been using the wrong shampoo. Try to change your shampoo and see what will happen.


New Member
Switch shampoos and see if that helps; look for one with tea tree oil in it as that is supposed to be good for your scalp.


New Member
Try shampooing less frequently and switching to an anti-dandruff shampoo. I really don't know what else it would be but your hair care habits.


New Member
I don't know of any home remedies except for tea tree oil. You could try a product called Scalpicin and see if that helps. You put it on the spot that is itching and it takes away the itch.


New Member
First you should have your wife check your head. See if there are bumps/blisters or bugs in there. No kidding - kids bring home lice. I would have it checked and then switch shampoos.


New Member
I second the advice to switch your shampoo. If you are interested in natural treatment, you may try aloe vera. I heard it help much with hair and scalp problems.


New Member
I have to go with the head lice check on this one. If you are given the all clear on that then switch your shampoo or treat your scalp with straight tea tree oil. If you are still having issues after that then see the doctor.


New Member
For itchy scalp, I would try switching to an anti-dandruff shampoo first. If this doesn't work, you can always visit a salon that offers scalp treatments; or you can check with a skin doctor if the itch is really bugging you that much.


New Member
When I was younger, I had the same problem. My parents bought an anti-dandruff shampoo and it did the trick. If that doesn't work for you, you'll need to see the doctor.


New Member
I would suggest being checked for lice first, then if you're all clear, check for dandruff flakes. Assuming it's dandruff, switch to an anti-dandruff shampoo until the itching stops and the flakes disappear. If it's neither, switch to a different shampoo, preferably one that you have used in the past when your head didn't itch.

Hope this helps!


New Member
Another reason could be lice! Ordinary shampooing wont do it. You will have to use some medication. As the saying goes, if symptoms persist go see your primary health care provider. Better safe than sorry.


New Member
Try using an anti-dandruff shampoo even if you don't think you need it. My wife swears by it even though she doesn't normally get flakes.


New Member
Change your shampoo and conditioner...we had this same issue when we bought Suave, but then we switched to some other stuff that was way better. You want to make sure the first ingredient isn't water and you should be in business.

Mr. Rogers

New Member
Do you or your parents/siblings have Psoriasis or Dermatitis? These are two big causes of itchy scalp too. My wife has Psoriasis and it started on her scalp and fingers and caused her to go into itching frenzies!!


New Member
Yeah, this happened to me some time back. I switched shampoo and it fixed the problem. I would also suggest not wash your hair daily. Maybe every couple of days. Because washing your hair too frequently may cause your scalp to dry up, resulting in itchiness.