Kids' Choice: Wii or Kinect?


New Member
For those families who own both devices (the Wii and the Kinect), which do your kids like more?

I'd have to say that my kids prefer the Kinect. While the Wii does have better tracking and more recognizable characters, the Kinect is more immersive all-around.


New Member
We have both and the kids love both of them. My wife likes the Kinect better though. She says it tracks her hips with zumba more then the Wii zumba. I like the Kinect too, you don't have to hold a remote/controller.


New Member
I'm glad I saw this because I was thinking about getting one or the other for my family this year. My question is why do you guys own both? I was planning on making a choice between the two and just buying one.


New Member
Hi Salazar,

We have both because we are just video game nuts in our household. We got both the Wii and Xbox pretty much when they first came out (eons ago), but tend to prefer the Xbox, so it's only natural that we had to get the Kinect as well!


New Member
We have both as well. I am not sure which we like more! We have definitely had the Wii for much much longer. Both have different and equally fun games, and both can be a great workout!