Kids with too much power


New Member
Are you one of the parents who realizes that their kid has too much power? I've noticed this with one of mine. She seems to have more power over me and her mom than the other kids. I've realized it for a while but I don't know how to curb this behavior. Of course she doesn't always get what she wants but she still thinks she has the power. I'm worried about what this means for later if it does not get under control.


New Member
It might lead to her not respecting her mother. I believe parents should lay the law down from an early age to let them know who's boss. Kids walk over their mothers more so I see because they don't show them who has the authority. You don't want to be like a boot camp type person because you want the child to actually like you, but you can discipline still.


New Member
No, I am not worried about my kids having too much power. We keep things democratic, but they know their parents have the final word on decisions and they respect that.