Legitimate Causes For Divorce


New Member
I find it so sad that sometimes divorce are made with slight disagreements. Anyone can apply for divorce as long as it is allowed by the state or government but what should be the legitimate causes for someone to file a divorce?


New Member
People give up on marriage much too quickly and the government makes it much too easy for couples to get divorced. I believe adultery is a just reason to get a divorce because it's the reason given in the Bible. I also believe someone who is being physically abused and is in a dangerous marriage has just cause to leave and possibly get a divorce.


New Member
I think way too many people give up on relationships without much of a reason. It's really sad, because society shows us that it's okay to give up. What ever happened to people trying to stay together and doing whatever it takes to make things work? I'm not saying people should always stay, because if someone is being abused (mentally or physically) or something of that nature, then I see no problem with it. Too many celebs divorce so quickly as well and it's teaching people that it's okay to move on fast and not attempt to fix anything.


New Member
I believe the answer lies on your answer Aiden. Celebrities do it often just because they can do it. We like it or not, people look up to these people and we usually imitate their lives even though sometimes it is not ideal to be like them.


New Member
I think it's true about celebrities having an influence on people getting divorced. I also think that people go into marriage much too quickly and lightly. I think if people would put more thought into it before they got married, there might not be as many divorces.