Life insurance policy?


New Member
I have one and the wife has one to. We made sure that no matter what happens the kids and the one left alone won't have any problems from a financial point of view. Do you have an insurance police for both of you, or do you think that's just overkill?


New Member
I don't want to sound irresponsible but we decided not to throw money away on those policies. It's a risk we are willing to take. I prefer to keep money I earn for rainy days.


New Member
Neither of us has these but in the near future... we're definitely planning on having, at least my wife if not I. I feel more relaxed when ensured.


New Member
I have one through work, I have had it for years. My wife has one her parents got for her years and years ago. Mine would really keep my wife comfortable for quite some time, my wife's isn't much but it would cover related expenses.


New Member
Yes we do and neither of us would have it any other way. Right now we are both set if one if us should pass. This includes the burial, the home, the cars, etc. We do not want to deal with what we have had to deal with from our own parents - unintentional of course but still its a huge burden.