Limiting video game time


New Member
Do you limit how much time your kids spend playing video games? My daughter is only 9 months so it's not something I have to worry about just yet, but I have some friends with older kids and it blows my mind how much time they spend sitting in front of the TV with a game controller. I really don't want my kid to turn into a sedentary video game junkie.


Staff member
Mine is only two, so I do not have to worry about it yet. It is something I will have to discuss with the wife. I think she has mentioned a limit on tv usage before, but it was just briefly talked about.


New Member
They'll be playing before you know it. My son is 5 and already has a couple games he likes to play. Fortunately, he loses interest pretty quickly and moves on to other things. I'm sure as he gets older, limits will have to be enforced.