Loading the dishwasher


New Member
Loading a dishwasher seems so straight forward, but I can't believe how many people I have talked to about how their wives "don't allow them to load the dishwasher". Is this an issue at your house?


New Member
I am a straight garbage man myself. The other task I do in the kitchen is help bring the groceries from the car and put the dishes away.


New Member
The deal in our house is that I cook, and she cleans up. That totally gets me off the hook with the issues surrounding loading the dishwasher.


New Member
I do it all. We share all of the chores. We really have to in order to get it all done. If we didn't do it this way, nothing would ever get done at our house. I love my wife.


New Member
My wife works full time, and I'm the one at home full time. The kitchen is my workshop and totally my domain, and yes, I have a certain way I like the dishwasher loaded.


New Member
I will put things into the dishwasher any way that my wife prefers, just as long as I don't have unload it. For some reason, I hate that chore.