Making Up Snow Days


New Member
My kids have missed several days of school because of the weather and rumors are flying about when they will be made up. The main options are to use spring break (or a part of it) or add the days to the end of the year. The kids don't like either option.


Staff member
I did not like it as a child either, well, it was fine until we had to make the days. The days off where always fun though. But it is a part of life, kids need the schooling. But that is a whole other rant.


New Member
Of course they don't like either option! They want to just leave it be and not make them up, most kids do! We had make-up days last year and they actually added half days on the end of the school year. So there were half days after the kids finals! It was a joke!

Jerry F

New Member
We have missed so much school that they are looking at having Saturday school. I don't know how they are going to do 6 days a week because the kids are always ready for the weekend now. They are also talking about tacking on an hour or two a day to the schedule.


New Member
We are going through the exact same thing in our house as well. As of right now, every snow make-up day is being used. I believe the 5 day spring break, has been changed to a 3 day break. Girls are definitely not thrilled about that, and also we will be tacking on at least one day at the end of the year as well.


New Member
Fortunately, we've only had a few days of school canceled so far and we have those are covered in our schedule. Of course the kids are hoping for some more snow days, it is only February.


New Member
Any days after 3 missed days are extra days at the end of the year. It has been that way since I was a kid. Senior year though, my school just let out seniors a week and a half early because we didn't do the school trip. I ended up getting out 3 weeks before my underclass friends! My son has 2 make up days already and any more missed will also be make up days.