Men are useless


New Member
Do you think that compared to women, sometimes men are useless? All what we do is working to bring in income. Yes we also take the trash out once in a while, but it sometimes is the only thing we do to help the wife at home.


Staff member
Don't forget the killing of bugs and other nasties the the wifes do not want a part of. And all the yard work.


New Member
Yeah, actually I think we are. I know my wife struggles to do everything because she stays home and I go to work, but I really should try to help out more.


New Member
I work, I help out around the house and I pull my own weight. I don't see how I would be considered useless, even if you go back to days long forgotten, if the men didn't hunt to feed the family, they died of hunger. If by chance you are feeling some guilt over the social oppression that women faced in the past, putting men down won't help one bit.


New Member
you obviously haven't been to my house because my wife would never let me rest on my laurels. LOL My wife and I share in the house work. We have a system that if you take it out, you are responsible for putting it away. My wife cooks and I do the dishes. I do the laundry and she folds it. That is what works for us.


New Member
I work, I help out around the house and I pull my own weight. I don't see how I would be considered useless, even if you go back to days long forgotten, if the men didn't hunt to feed the family, they died of hunger. If by chance you are feeling some guilt over the social oppression that women faced in the past, putting men down won't help one bit.
If I went hunting I doubt that I'd catch something to feed the family. Maybe a squirrel. :)


New Member
Not in my house. I do all the shopping, most of the cooking and a lot of the cleaning. I work almost twice as many hours as my wife but while she really wanted to married and a mother, she really has no interest in being a wife or homemaker.


New Member
No, men are useful

The traditional family used to have the men going out to work and the women taking care of the kids and the home affairs. Now however, both parents usually need to work just to make ends meet. Both would need to share responsibilities for things to work smoothly.