Miami on Thanksgiving


New Member
My buddy is in trouble! He is a Miami fan and he was able to buy Miami Dolphin tickets for the Thanksgiving game really cheap. When he told his wife she was crazy mad! I told him he was crazy! We have football on at home but I would not dream of going to an actual game on Thanksgiving. I bet he will be sleeping on the couch for weeks!


New Member
Oh boy I bet he is in trouble. What the heck was he thinking? Thanksgiving is a time for families and being thankful for what you have. I would not dream of going to a NFL game on a holiday!


New Member
That is kind of funny, its as bad as my niece this week. She lost a bet so everyday she has to wear a jersey for a team she hates (ravens), snap a new picture and upload it to facebook. Of course she is single so its not as bad, but I could actually see her at a game on any holiday.


New Member
Well, a lot of people obviously go to those games on the holiday so I'm sure it's okay for many. I guess it just depends on your situation. To some, it's a dream. Maybe some don't have a big family, or maybe they go as a family to the game. I wouldn't think bad of someone that went to a game on turkey game.