More than you can handle?


New Member
I just can't understand some parents, they have 4-5 kids that they can barely take care of and yet every time I see them, they are expecting another one? What's with these people?


New Member
Some people live for the moment and don't care about the consequences, that's all fine and dandy if you do not have someone else depending on you, but it's tragic when you do.


New Member
I think people like this needs their kids taken from them (and given to good homes) and then those people can be dropped off on an island somewhere left to fend for themselves. It does nothing to help the kids or our society.


New Member
Wow that's pretty judgemental. You can't judge a book based on it's cover. Have you considered that the kids may not always act that way...that maybe it's because they are in public or that they are reacting to YOU (someone new in the mix)? There are more than enough kids waiting for good homes right now so taking kids away from a home where they are loved and not harmed seems like a pretty bad idea to me. Besides who's to say that YOU aren't a bad parent (since we are judging each other and all) and then come to remove YOUR children?


New Member
Parents like that are just working the system. Now mind you I have no issues of sticking it to the big guy if he is sticking it to me, but to go about life being wasteful and lazy is another story all together.


New Member
I don't think I have ever heard children referred to as wasteful before, but okay. Got to go with Christian here and say that you don't know what's really going on with these families. How do you know they are "working the system"? Do they run around wearing their welfare checks around their necks?


New Member
I think this needs to be looked at on a case by case basis. I know some families that have a lot of kids and they struggle to provide, but they don't accept any public assistance and they had the kids just because they wanted a large family. We all know there are plenty of situations where the parent(s) are on welfare and they continue to have more kids anyway. That's irresponsible. But there are also a lot of God fearing, hard working people who want a big family and manage to keep food on the table all by themselves.


New Member
I think Clive is right here. There are certainly families who "work" the system, but most recent studies have shown that the actual percentage of abuse is very small. I think some of the answers in this thread show what is in my opinion a huge problem of the world today...a lack of compassion for your fellow man.