Music And Sports


New Member
My wife and I want to teach our son to play music and get him involved in sports, but neither of us really knows when we should start. He's still in diapers now and we're working on potty training. Should we wait until he's potty trained before we start music lessons or team sports?


New Member
I don't think you can do anything right now except buy him a ball to play with and expose him to quality music. Listening and playing are probably the best ways to set him up for some serious training later on.


New Member
Thanks, SInbian. I'm so excited about the idea of my little boy being on a team or playing an instrument that it's like I just can't wait to get him started! You're probably right though. Good old dad is just going to have to be patient and wait until he gets a little older. ;)


New Member
When it comes to children, patience really is a virtue. In the meantime, recognize what you and your wife are good at as well as enjoy and then take it from there when the time is right.


New Member
I think the same plan will work for both, have toys available for your child to get a taste of each interest. Have little instruments for your son to play with and try. Put videos of bands, orchestras, individual artists on to watch. The same goes for sports, just play. He's a little young for organized lessons, but you and your wife could introduce him and begin a love for these things.


New Member
Tee ball is a great start but I think the kids have to be 4 to start that. Don't push him into playing though because you want him to play. Make sure he shows an interest in it.