Music & Schools


New Member
I am wondering if all your schools have arts and music offered to your kids. We are lucky that our school have a wonderful performing arts program even though they don't offer band. I have heard from my friends that in some of their schools the arts department have been disbanded. How about your school?


New Member
I don't know about now, my kids aren't old enough to be in school just yet. But, when I was a student we had a wonderful performing arts program. There was a marching band, regular band, concert choir, and many other chorus's. I hope that all of this is still offered by the time my kids get into school.


New Member
I know when I went to school we always had music but lately I see more and more kids playing video games rather than picking up an instrument. To me it seems wrong but I am not sure all schools really care anymore, its like everything went downhill.


New Member
My son's school has a wonderful music department and, even at age 8, he was offered a chance to join the school band. He was given a choice of instruments too, which is confusing him at the moment!:D


New Member
Yes, our kids have both art and music classes and extracurricular programs. My son started in the school band from 4th grade. I think it's so important for kids to have those kind of opportunities while growing up. It expands their view of the world.


New Member
The music program at my kid's school is very strong. My oldest child is in the marching band, concert band and chorus. My son was in both chorus and concert band (but quit both to focus more on sports).


New Member
We have none of that where I live. Nobody wants to fund it. They don't want to fund anything school related here. Everything is bare bones.