Not good in math


New Member
I love the kids and would do anything necessary to help them with their study, so to speak. But I "hate" it when I have to help them with their math homework. I am not good in math.


New Member
I feel the exact same way, there are tons of other subjects I am great in but when it comes to math I am at a total lose. Anything else I would be great at but that is one thing the lady of the house has to take over for me.


New Member
It is funny but helping the kids with their math problems is not my favorite thing to do with the kids. I don't know if it is just me and my brain getting older.


New Member
Those reading problems in math were always the worst. It was always something like "If two trains left the station" and they gave you the time they each left and their different speeds. Then, you had to figure out when they would arrive at their destination. That's when I really grew to dislike math.


New Member
I'm great with math and I still hate to help them. I swear they are learning things now that I never learned. Math changes so much too - the way it's taught that is. I can get them to an answer, but its not the way they learned in school.


New Member
Those word problems are killers. Even if I can help them find the answer they always say it's not the way the teacher showed them. And I can't stand the way they have to make a sentence for each step.


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I know some schools are willing to help when this is an issue and if the child struggles its always possible to get a tutor. Have you checked with the school to see if they would allow this for the subject?


New Member
Math has always been my weakest subject in school, so I'm also not enthusiastic when the kids need help with numbers. Since we could not afford a tutor, my wife does research on the net, specifically on educational sites that give free math tutorials, among other subjects. These websites have step-by-step tutorials that are easy to understand and they come with downloadable worksheets, that the kids can practice on.


New Member
I have the feeling I'm going to have to learn some math long after I barely passed it in high school. We're having trouble now, and it's just the darned multiplication tables. I can't even say I know all of them. I'm learning, though!


New Member
I remembered those tables a long time ago, but not anymore. I still break out a pen and paper set when I need to but it is nice to have a smartphone when you are in a pickle I gotta say.