Not making New Year's resolutions


New Member
Are you of the type of person who thinks that new year is not new year without resolutions? Certainly I am not against New Year's Resolutions. I just think that if I made the resolutions, I would just tend to break it.


New Member
I am not going to make New Year's resolutions either. I would just leave it to those who can make the resolutions and stick to them throughout the year.


New Member
I make resolutions the beginning of every month, so New Years is just another month for me, but it is a big one. I find making resolutions helps me accomplish more of my goals and get further along in reaching them.


New Member
I'm a person who takes promises to myself very seriously, even to an extent of hurting and disregarding some other stuff that might be as equally important if not more that set resolutions. So I go easy with this stuff.


New Member
Sometimes I will, sometimes I won't, it all depends on the mood and how many stuff needs to be taken care of or accomplished the following year. I don't think I will be planning anything significant this year.