One thing you would ask?


New Member
If there was one thing as a mother that you could ask your children to do to make life easier for the family, what would it be?


New Member
I would (if I were a mother) as the children to listen to me and respect my wishes, even if they think they know it all. There are so many things kids could avoid dealing with if they would just listen.


New Member
I'm going to have to agree with Aiden, even though somethings are better learned by one's own experiences..


New Member
I agree with Aiden. Kids make life so hard on themselves and the family because they don't listen to their parents. They would save everyone a lot of "grief" if they would only listen.


New Member
Yeah, Aiden is right. If I were a mother, I would surely ask the kids for the same thing. I would also ask them to always love and respect their parents no matter what.