Optimistically Skeptical......


New Member
Do you think the congressional gridlock we have all witnessed the last couple of years can be broken to get something done in Washington, D.C. for a change? I'm optimistically skeptical.


New Member
I think that now that Obama is in a second term he will be more aggressive in getting things done and help break the gridlock. I think that it is harder for the Republicans to justify holding out on tax reform to keep the Bush era tax cuts on the wealthy. I am optimistic that the gridlock will be broken.


New Member
Optimistically skeptical is a great way to describe how I feel. If Congress doesn't find a way to work together and compromise on this, I will consider both sides stubborn and juvenile.


New Member
At this point in the process, I am more skeptically optimitistic. I suppose it may change some for the better once the newly elected senators and congressmen take office in January.


New Member
I honestly think that both parties will impede progress as much as possible while blaming the other party. It's the way things have always been done, but I'm hoping things will change.


New Member
It's going to be more of the same, I'm afraid, over the next four years. No one can fix this mess, and they all are tripping over each other in Washington. They'll put another band-aid on it and go home for Christmas.


New Member
Obama is getting more aggressive with being bi-partisan, but I see Republicans as being the sticks in the mud here. They're like stubborn children who pout when they don't get their way.


New Member
I don't mind that people who make millions of dollars a year pay higher taxes, but let's be rational about it. There's something inherently wrong with a system where people who don't pay a dime of income taxes into a system receive tax refunds from the government.