Pets & obedience school


New Member
We went to visit an aunt over the holidays, her dog just came back from obedience school but he seems very timid and almost scared. Has anyone ever sent a pet off to obedience school, do they just scare the beejees in it to listen?


New Member
I have an easy answer to this one. I tell my dog to come. If he doesn't come, he doesn't eat. I tell him to stop barking. If he doesn't, I ignore him and go back inside. He eventually stops. My dogs have never needed any schooling. It's okay for those who want to spend their money like that. I like for dogs to run and play, and I've got lots of room for them to do just that.


New Member
I think some obedience schools are a little strict, but then again isn't that their job? Also if anyone knows since we have an older dog here, can any dog go or is there an age cut off?