Pierced ears


New Member
How old would your child have to be before you'd let them have a piercing? My friend's two year old daughter already has her ears pierced and my son would like one of his ears done but he's only nine and I think he's too young.


New Member
I know in some cultures it's normal to have baby girls get their ears pierced. Personally I think 10 or 11 is a good age, when they are old enough to take care of them, themselves.


New Member
I think 13 or 14 is a good age for girls to get their ears pierced. I'm not too fond of boys getting theirs pierced, but if my son did, I think 13 or 14 would be the age I'd let him do it.


New Member
I agree-13 or 14, when they can care for them by themselves and are not likely to accidentally rip them out just playing. It's dangerous for babies!


New Member
My daughter got hers pierced at the age of 10. I thought that was a good age, she was ready to take care of her own ears. I don't know about a boy, I would say 18! In hopes that he would change his mind before he got it done.


New Member
I know lots of men with pierced ears and piercings elsewhere as well but I'm not keen on them myself. I'd say it's a bit dangerous when you're still at school, and some schools don't allow the wearing of jewellery.


New Member
My daughter is 2 and she doesn't have her ears pierced. As far as I know, we are not planning on getting them pierced until she is older, maybe around 6 or so. That way she has the choice or whether she wants them or not.


New Member
I have a friend that got all 3 of his daughters done when they were 6 months old! I would wait until they can take care of it themselves so about 12. I have boys so I am not worried about that at all.


New Member
Piercings are a tough topic. I think if it's something like ears, then age 16 sounds fine. Even before, I guess.. if they want it bad enough. For things like nose, lip, etc; I would prefer to wait on those ones because they are more major and don't heal as well.


New Member
Is it bad that I don't even remember when either of my daughter's got their ears pierced? It seems so long ago, to be completely honest. My oldest daughter actually has two holes in her ears.