Please me with presents, please!


New Member
It is said that the most popular Father's Day gift is tools. What would be your ideal present for that special day, your birthday or any gift-giving holiday in general?


New Member
That's easy. I want money to spend on my radio controlled aircraft. I can spend little amounts, big amounts and gigantic amounts. I can also use days off work to fly them.


Staff member
Give me a day off. Maybe fishing, or a day in the park with the kids.


New Member
Yeah I like that answer Jason. I don't need any gifts but I would like a day-off from chores. I guess my wife could throw in a Steelers game but with the kids. Oh yeah! That would be my perfect gift.


New Member
I haven't been big on presents or gifts since I was a kid waiting for Christmas day to arrive. I guess the Best thing for me would be to have my closest family and friends gather in one place, and we can all just party together for the evening. I enjoy stuff like that more than getting a box with tools or whatever every year. When you can spend time with people you love, nothing really needs to be fixed.


New Member
A good time with my family. Starting off from a meal together, day-off from chores and just being with my family the whole day.


New Member
I think the ideal present would be able to spend the entire day with my family in the mountains. Not having to worry about work or anything else. Without this I would go crazy and often dream of reaching the day of getting to enjoy my family.


New Member
A good time with the family that I don't have to pay for! That's good enough for me.

Tools are better gifts that clothing you won't wear anyway.


New Member
Speaking of the material things, I just don't know if many fathers here like a watch as a gift for father's day. My wife once give me watch 7 years ago. And I'm still wearing it up to now. Every time I looked at it, it sometimes reminded me of her. How I wish that she would again give my a new one. I would like it to be a present rather than buying it myself.


New Member
I still think the best is one I did get years ago, a very nice surprise vacation. The wife booked the entire thing, arranged for a sitter for the kids and even time off work with a little help from my boss. Great surprise!


New Member
I'm all for getting money for any special occasion. I play miniature wargames and it is unlikely anyone buying me gifts would know exactly what to get me.

However, getting a well thought out gift that I'm not expecting is always nice.