Policing TV


New Member
I share custody with my ex and we are on fairly good terms with each other. The one thing that may change this is our attitudes to television. When the kids are with her they have unlimited access and little supervision regarding choices made. I hate to get into a fight over it but it's me who has to battle them when I won't do the same at my place.


New Member
I would say that you two need to sit down and chat about it. Why is she letting them watch anything? Are the shows that they are watching not good for them? Perhaps if you just chat about it, you will both come to an agreement and there will be no more fights with the kids.


New Member
That's definitely something that's worth talking about. If you two aren't consistent with your rules then it's going to confuse the kids. I'm sure you can come up with a way to get her to listen to you :) Make sure when you do talk, to word it like you care about the kids and don't like them watching versus making her feel like she's doing something wrong.


New Member
Thanks for responding to my problem. My ex has always been the more liberal of the two of us. We first clashed over the TV when the children were small because she thinks they should be allowed to make free choices. I think they aren't capable of knowing what is good for them. I have asked to meet this weekend and will have another try at reasoning with her.