Potty mouth.


New Member
Seriously, my son is at that at that age where he thinks throwing in bathroom words into any conversation is hysterical. My wife really dislikes it, while I sometimes have to bite my lip to keep from laughing at him.

I keep telling her it's just a phase, testing boundaries and the like. Did your kids go through anything similar and how quick and hard did you discipline them?


New Member
Our son has done this a bit as well but it's kind of hard (and hypocritical) to get on to him for using language he learned from us. We know he's only doing it for attention though, so we just ignore it. We've also made it a point to watch our own potty mouths more closely!


New Member
My daughter throws around some bad words now and then. Honestly, I'm the one who gets really ticked off about it and it's my wife who is hiding in the corner chuckling. I know where she gets it from and I'll face the music in that regard, but it irritates me to hear it come out of her mouth.


New Member
My daughter learned early on that "adult" words were not meant for her to say. She knows it is inappropriate and doesn't use it. In all honesty though, my wife and I don't really use those kinds of words either so the only time she hears them is out in public.


New Member
Well, see, the main problem is that while I don't think the words are appropriate to throw in any old conversation, my son isn't cursing. He literally using potty words like "pee" and "poo". He hasn't tried to cross that line of using any curse words in talking to his mother or I.


New Member
You could still use the "adult words" concept with non-curse words that you don't want the kids to say. Tell him once in awhile, but generally ignore it and you should see a drop in usage.


New Member
Our kids did and most of the time it was my fault as I tend to have a very loud voice when upset. Thankfully by the time they got to school they cut that out and I learned how to bite my lip as well.

On The Mark

New Member
To this day, my daughter still doesn't use those words. She went though a phase when she thought hearing someone use those words was funny, but she never did use them herself.