Prejudgments against stay at home fathers


New Member
Don't you get tired sometimes about all these prejudgments against stay at home fathers? There are some people who simply can't understand that we don't live in the middle ages anymore, that the man of the house can take care of the baby just as well as the mother can, and that women have been having jobs for at least a couple of centuries. Sorry for ranting, but I'm fed up with all the weird looks I get from people when I tell them that I'm a stay at home dad... :eek:


New Member
I am not a stay at home dad, but one of my best friends is. People say all kinds of things and make all kinds of judgments about it. He just ignores all of that and does what is right for his family.


New Member
I know what you mean. I have met people who think I must be some sort of pervert or something because I am a stay at home dad. I think they must be the perverts to think such things.


New Member
I am sorry to hear that stuff like that happens to you guys. That is just terrible. I think ignoring people with closed minds is the best thing you can do.


New Member
Some people are still stuck in ancient times. I listen to a similar complaint from my wife all the time because she works from home, but no one seems to get that she is actually working and cannot be disturbed during the day. It's like working from home is such a bizarre concept. Same with stay at home dads. When it's not the norm, people don't know what to do with it. Just ignore them and be happy knowing that you are a pioneer for the rest of us :D


New Member
I think it is because of the misconception that working outside as a breadwinner is harder and takes more energy than staying at home taking care of the kids and doing household chores (which of course is not always the case).


New Member
My brother was a stay at home father for about a year, and he was a bit ridiculed by his work colleagues when he returned to his job. Well, they were his buddies, so he didn't get mad and showed them that he could take a joke. Nevertheless, I really think there should be something done to make these types of prejudgments disappear...


New Member
I think in some cases the men who make stupid comments on this topic are just hiding their own fears. Most of us know that keeping a home going is harder than any other type of work. Maybe they just want to keep a distance from it?


New Member
I think that some people are so stuck in tradition that they have a hard time being open to something other than "the way it's always been". This can hold people back on lots of levels, you know?