Reading more and watching less television


New Member
Do your kids prefer to read books or to watch television? I assume that most parents encourage the kids to read more and watch less television, but most kids just do the opposite.


New Member
My daughter hates television, but that's probably because we never have it on. On the rare occasion we do turn it on, she just looks at it like it's from another planet :D She can't read yet, but she LOVES books and she'll sit for hours looking at her books and turning the pages. I hope this pattern continues.


New Member
My son likes to watch television where my daughter loves to read. We have a whole room devoted to bookshelves and each is full, yet my daughter is complaining that we have nothing to read because she had read them all!


New Member
We used to let our kids have T.V. in their rooms, but the longer they had them the less they read. We tool the T.V.s out of their rooms, and while they fought it at first, they started reading more.


New Member
Unfortunately the kids are not book readers. We have tried to encourage them to read more by hiding the remote somewhere in the bookshelf, but it didn't work well.


New Member
I think it depends on what they are watching. We watch more documentary shows than just dramas or reality shows. We also have time limit for watching TV and the rest of the free time the kids can read books.


New Member
Well, to be honest, my kids prefer watching TV and surfing the web, but I do my best to encourage them to read as often as possible. I've purchased them e-book readers and I'm looking for good books suitable for their age on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.


New Member
We have tried to encourage them to read more by hiding the remote somewhere in the bookshelf, but it didn't work well.
It sounds like a good idea; sorry to hear it didn't work well. My kids love to watch television but we always encourage them to read more. It's not so easy though.


New Member
I have three young daughters all of whom are very "verbal". We have always read to them, so they do enjoy their books. We don't limit their reading, but we do limit TV.