"Set it and Forget It!"


Anyone else get one of these things? Man, is it awesome! We got one for Christmas from my wife's parents and I love using it when she's not home early enough to start dinner. It has a little chart on the side that tells you how long to cook each type of meat for - too easy!


New Member
I completely forgot about these things!! I think this is something our family needs, because we are always so busy and it would be nice to just be able to forget about the food for a bit while we help the kids with homework or do other chores around the house.


New Member
I remember seeing these commercials all the time, but not so much anymore. It's nice to hear that they actually work. I'm always a bit skeptical when a product makes anything look too easy.


I'll admit, the first few times I used it I certainly didn't forget it! I watched it like a hawk to make sure it didn't burn the food, because for some reason you can't just turn it off like a microwave or oven - you'd have to unplug it, take the food out, and let the thing run it's course empty, which I really didn't want to have to do. It worked just like it said it would, though. Only cleaning is a bit messy.