She isn't a princess she is a pirate


New Member
So I pick up this little princess costume for my daughter at the store. She is of course offended by the whole thing and tells me she finds it very sexist. She comes back three hours later dressed as a pirate. She spent 3 hours making her own costume. I kind of felt bad. Since when do 8 year olds thing princess costumes are sexist?


New Member
Wow I don't know any 8 year old that wouldn't love to be a princess! It is really funny she went and made her own costume. I am surprised she knows what the word sexist is at 8!


New Member
Wow, I am impressed as well! Don't feel bad - I'm sure it's an impression she's gotten from someone who has talked around her or with her about sexism. With time, she'll learn that it's not sexist if she "wants" to dress like a princess, but if she doesn't, she doesn't have to.


New Member
My wife takes care of the costume thing and lets the kids decide. My daughter has been everything from a fairy to a baseball player. It's just whatever she's into at the time.

the saint

New Member
Some girls become tomboyish at certain stages in their childhood. They eventually mature into gorgeous girls during their teens. Don't worry, it will pass.


New Member
Yeah, it'll pass-unfortunately! My little sister was the same way. She tagged along with me and my friends constantly. She could bat better than I could (don't anyone tell her I said that-LOL). Now she's got a kid of her own. But she's still a tomboy in ways.