Shoes, son Vs. daughter


New Member
My daughter can make a pair of shoes last her a year (if she doesn't outgrow them). My son on the other hand can destroy a pair of shoes in under 2 months! What is up with that?


New Member
One is harder on shoes than the other. I have the same issue for kids and also between myself and spouse. He works full time in a plant that has all types of stuff going on, in the time it takes me to replace 1 pair, he is on his 3rd.


New Member
Yeah, it depends on the child. I have one daughter who can make shoes last and one that is involved in sports and always wearing them down. I think wearing out shoes fast is a good sign that they are getting enough activity.


New Member
My sons do more sports and they're growing faster so their shoes are shot pretty quickly. My daughter can make most of hers lasts until she outgrows them but what my wife buys her (the sheer volume and stupidity of some of them) makes the budget about equal.