Should You be Honest With Them

Papa Bear

New Member
When your kids ask you about the antics that you did and the headaches that your parents suffered when you were their age, do you tell them the truth? Or do you hide some of the serious ones?


New Member
It really depends on their age. When they are younger, I would tell them things that relate to what you kid is currently doing. As they age, you can tell them more. But make sure to show them that you realize it's wrong, you would take it back etc.


New Member
My daughter is a vegetarian and the rest of us are not. My son is terrible and always teasing her about it. What I do not tell them is that when we were kids my sister was a vegetarian and I used to do awful things like chase her around with whole raw chickens. I keep that to myself and punish my son when ever he teases her about it. I also feel awful because now I know what I put my poor sister through.


New Member
As my kids have gotten older, I've let them find out more about the things I was doing when I was their age, but I try to do it in such a way that they see that it wasn't a positive experience for me so they can't say "you did it, so I'm doing it!" later down the line. "I did this-or-that, and I'm not proud of myself, and I'd be disappointed to find out that you made the mistake that I did."