Sick kids and work


New Member
I love being a single dad but it is tough when they are with me and one (or both) get sick. So far my job is secure but it is stressful taking time off to care for them, I can't help but worry I will be first to go if it comes to that. Anyone else in this position?


New Member
Is there anyone you can have on standby for this kind of situation? I can understand your fears about work, though I am sure you are not the only one there who takes time off this way. Even in two parent families, if they both work outside the home someone has to stay home when the kids are sick.


New Member
Are there other parents in your work force? How are they dealing with it? I know many parents tend to worry about this but to a point, jobs need to understand the importance of being a parent. Most do under the FML act right?


New Member
Thanks for the replies. There are a few others at work who are on their own, but I am the only man who has the kids outside of the weekend. I guess I just worry that I am more visible as a result. I need to look into finding someone who will be around for an emergency.


New Member
Yeah, it would be much better if you had someone who could take care of your kids when they get sick. It would be hard to leave them though if it wasn't one of the family. I think most doctor's offices prefer a parent bring them in too. That would be tough.